Thursday, May 8, 2008

One home, one on the way!

Hi All, sorry it took so long to give an update....we actually ended up bringing Avery home yesterday (Wednesday) afternoon after a long day and night at the NICU. The monitor people trained us, got CPR training and practiced being alone with Avery in a hospital room. This was nice b/c the monitor kept beeping with false alarms which would hve been really scary at home.

It's been a tiring couple of days and nights, as all of you parents know. At this point we are just trying to put everything into practice that we have learned about caring for preemies. They sure do squirm and squeak a lot!! Overall, it's been fine, although it was hard to leave Emily in the NICU.

We just got the news a minute ago that we will be able to bring Emily home TOMORROW! This is where the reality begins, I'm afraid. It was nice to ease into it with Avery home for two nights. The only problem is Emily has a little hernia and has to have surgery -- not right away, in a month or two. Apparently she is not in pain, just something that has to be fixed. This is pretty common in preemies and equates to a kid having their tonsils out. It seems like the saga never ends. So, I ask for more prayers for little Emily and for us to get through this time.

Thank you all for your support,

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