Friday, April 18, 2008

We've graduated!

When I say "we" I mean the girls. The NICU here at St. Lukes has two separate areas. The one where the girls have been since they showed up is the critical care side. The nurses and docs there spend a lot of time just trying to stabilize their guests. The doc said the other day that our girls were in the best shape of all the babies on that side so they were going to "graduate" to the step-down side. They say that side is for the "growers and feeders"!

So both girls now are off IV, off CPAP, and off the heater in the isolette. Both still have a nasal cannula supplying air, temperature monitors, feeding tubes, heart rate monitors and pulse oximeters. The docs are actually talking about moving Avery to a regular crib soon! Emily is still having some A's and B's so they are kind of watching her closely. She actually had one while I typed that last sentence. dang it. STOP THAT, PEANUT!

Heather is kangarooing Avery while I'm typing and the nurses are trying to see why Emily keeps having bradys.

ok... so we aren't totally out of the woods yet. It still is a time where things happen that are scary. Even three weeks into this the rollecoaster continues. So please keep them in your thoughts and prayers.


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